The Hours of Lead

A comprehensive novel inspired by the author’s stays in China.

The same decisive sentence affects the fate of several families of different generations from European countries and social classes. A Czech businessman, his wife and teenage daughter, a Russian diplomat, a French literary figure, a calligraphy student, a chef, and a number of other characters. And their family traumas, midlife crises, burnout, or puberty. Pilgrims and travelers who have left for China to sort out their lives, but their world continues to fall apart. They lose something irretrievably and can’t understand it themselves. They are searching for a anchor point in their past life, but they don’t know what to remember.

And just as in their personal stories there is a dramatic turning point, something essential breaks and changes in the fate of all of us. The old world of Europe ends and no one knows what is beginning. And just as each character in the novel experiences a critical situation as an existential and personal experience, we all experience the “hour of lead” together. People withdraw into themselves and an era of resigned apathy, demoralization, an era of gray totalitarian consumerism begins on a daily basis. But there is still action. It’s just important to watch the signs.

“The Hours of Lead” is an unusually extensive and multi-layered novel that is deliberately designed as an artistic work of politics that aims to have an impact. It addresses the contemporary form of Chinese society as a totalitarian regime, but the core of this view is not so much the way society functions, but rather the fate of those who find themselves in the position of victims. The novel’s execution renounces the traditional concept of characters as unique beings, to whom often random events happen. The characters in “The Hours of Lead” represent symbolic types, similar to the tradition of ancient myths. They represent professions, actions, and attitudes with which the chilling fate is played out. Private fates are here completely in the grips of unstoppable social mechanisms: the rise of China’s power is also the counterpoint to the crumbling values of European civilization that is in crisis, with no solution in sight. The Hours of Lead is an attempt to write a novel that takes the reader out of the complacent feeling that they are “just” reading a well-conceived story.


The Magnesia Litera Prize jury.